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Shooting Target


The idea of OCA USA came about during a late night phone call and a little liquor. Thats how most great ideas start right?  I remember sentences being said like "We have been building guns for years but never for as a job, just a hobby" and " Every time I go to the range, someone asks me about my set-up and if I would build them one". As the conversation went on, we decided to make the move. The re-occurring themes when describing what we wanted in our guns were: reliable, rugged, quality and customizable. So we set out on a mission to build firearms using top tier, time tested parts, customizable options selected by the buyer that will take a beating and look damn good doing it. Each build line has three options with three different price points so you decide the budget and and level of customization. Give us a shot and you will see and feel the difference.


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